May light rain on your head

Typical Price Range To Install a new Roof
See costs in your area
Kathleen Hassall asked 7 years ago

Hello, Leo B.

I just want to say thanks. I just signed a contract to have my hurricane-damaged roof replaced. I had the insurance adjustor’s estimate of what a new roof should cost; I got four estimates, researched the contractors, did what I thought was due diligence–and then when I first found your (very helpful) site I was horrified, as it seemed I had agreed to a pirate-level price. However when I used your excellent calculator, and added in variables (12 pitch, crazily-complex roof, 3667 sq ft) I found I am paying a more-than-fair price. HUGELY reassuring, as roofing costs are among my many areas of near-total ignorance. Your page provides an invaluable public service. (Also, must love any informational site that includes an introductory rant.) Thanks again!

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