The average cost of installing a roof vent is $300-650, depending on the vent type, and job complexity. By choosing the right vent you resolve one of the biggest problems that plagues most roofs – poor ventilation.
Over time, lack of proper air flow results in rotting of the wood deck, shorter shingle life, mold growth, ruined insulation, and high energy costs. Depending on your roof structure, there may be various types of roofing vents you can install.
We will review the costs and features of soffit, dormer, solar and ridge air vents, to help you decide which ones would benefit your roof.
It is best to have a professional come and inspect your house and roof, to determine the best venting system for your particular needs.

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Roof Ridge Vent
As the name suggests, this air vent is installed along the ridge of the roof. It features a finishing ridge cap that matches your shingles. Because it is a continuous vent, it can exhaust the hot air rising from the inside with a vacuum-like effect.
This makes it most effective out of all passive vents at achieving good air circulation. Another advantage is that it is very dependable and not as susceptible to leaks, compared to a singular soffit or dormer unit.
The average installation cost for a roofing vent ranges from $400 to $600. Prices may vary depending on your location, product brand and roof complexity. A Cobra exhaust vent by GAF is by the most popular choice.
While installing a ridge vent is part of any roof replacement process, there are some unscrupulous roofers that neglect to put it up. This creates serious ventilation problems, and many homeowners end up finding out the hard way that it was not installed on their roof. To avoid this scenario, make sure that your contractor installs one!
During the installation process, ridge vents should be fastened into the rafters every 16 to 24 inches. Moreover, all fasteners should be sealed with a polyurethane sealant to prevent leaks. Sometimes the ridge cap is not properly fastened, making it susceptible to wind blow off.
If this happens, you roof is left exposed to wind-driven rain, snow, and even ice. In this situation, you should repair the ridge cap as soon as possible to prevent major leakage and damage.
You can and should install this vent on virtually any type of sloped roof, as long as the pitch is not too low. If the pitch is low, such as 4:12, the ridge vent will be susceptible to water infiltration and ice damming. In this case, it will do more damage than good.
It is important to note, that having this vent alone may not provide adequate ventilation for your home. Most houses require a combination of different roofing vents to achieve optimal air circulation.
Soffit vent
Functioning soffit vents are crucial if you want to avoid mold and other moisture related problems on your roof and attic. Unfortunately, in many homes these vents end up being blocked by insulation and mechanical devices, such as furnaces, which are installed in the attic, without giving any consideration to venting.
Another problem, especially with small round soffits, is that they get clogged by things like dirt, spider webs, dead insects, etc. Thus, they need to be regularly inspected and cleaned to ensure proper air intake. Also, it is best to install larger rectangular vents, rather than round small ones, as they are a lot more efficient, and less prone to clogging.
If you already have a soffit exhaust vent in place, you should check that it is not being blocked by anything and is actually working. In case you don’t have one at all, or have too few, you should install new ones.
On average, homeowners spend about $300-450 to install one individual unit. A continuous soffit vent runs about $3-5 per sq. ft. depending on material. There are various styles and patterns to choose from, with V-groove being very popular.
When installing soffits, be sure to place them as far from the outside edge of the soffit as possible. This is very important if you live in an area with cold weather and snow.
If you don’t do this, there is a high risk of warm air (next to the heated siding) rising, entering the vent, melting the snow, and causing ice dams to form. Houses that have deep eaves, are especially prone to developing this problem, if the soffits are not installed in the right locations.
They come in three standard configurations: round (can also be oval), rectangular and continuous. Each has its advantages depending on your roof and house structure.
You should be especially careful when installing a small round vent. It tends to be susceptible to water infiltration and mold. You can avoid these issues by properly caulking the unit.
Average Roof Replacement Cost in US:
Low End
Mid Range
High End
Dormer vent
A dormer or low-profile vent is designed to make hot air escape out of the unit itself. It is typically made from steel, aluminum, or copper and can last the lifespan of your roof. It can be painted to match the aesthetics of your house. One unit provides between 50 and 60 square inches of net free ventilating area.
Typically, a dormer vent costs around $200-300, for materials and installation.
One major advantage is that it can be installed on any roof pitch, as it can be angled to match the pitch of the roof.
Usually, it is installed at the back side of the roof, because many homeowners don’t like the way it looks. It is very important to properly flash a dormer vent during installation. Otherwise, it can become a source of leaks.
Solar vent
A solar vent is one of the newest products available to homeowners. It has been around only for about 12 years. The distinct advantage of this unit is that it is powered by the sun, making it 100% energy efficient. It comes with a solar panel attachment that usually mounts on top of it.
One significant disadvantage is that it moves less air than other types of powered vents. Still, it may be a good option, if you are looking to operate your home with green building materials.
The average price to install one solar exhaust vent is around $500-1,000, making it one of the most expensive ventilation options. You should carefully evaluate whether the benefits you get are worth the cost, compared to other products.
It can be installed in a variety of locations, such as a flat or sloped section of your roof, or on one of the gable ends.
If you are considering this product, you need to make sure that there is enough unobstructed sun exposure to power it on a continuous basis. Otherwise, you will not have adequate ventilation.
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For over 20 years Leo has run a successful roofing business in New England, specializing in metal roofing, as well as cool flat roofing technologies. Having replaced and installed hundreds of roofs in New England, Leo has first hand experience with pretty much every residential roofing material and roofing manufacturer available in the US.
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