Friendly Neighbors Roofing Inc.

Friendly Neighbors Roofing Inc.'s estimated Asphalt Shingles roof cost: $450
(for 2000 sq. ft. size)

What makes Friendly Neighbors Roofing Inc. special

Tex- ? - ? Friendly Neighbors Roofing serving Texas in Roofs commercial and residential, which specializes in all types of Roofing. Friendly Neighbors Roofing was established with a strong work ethic and ambition to start and grow a company roofing that highlight of competition to offer the best repair and operation roofing using only the highest quality of labor and material. Friendly Neighbors Roofing.
(1) The customer should think through and determine what type of material is needed for the roofing project i.e. asphalt shingles, metal roofing, TPO exc... (2) The customer should inquire advice from a licensed and insured roofing professional (ask the question is a simple roof repair needed or will my entire roof need to be replaced). (3) The customer should determine if the bid/estimate from the contractor is affordable and is this currently in there budget. (4) The customer should determine what type of warranty they are seeking from the contractor labor/ material warranty

Additional Services: New Roofs, Re-roofs, Flat Roofs, Tpo Commercial, residential

Work Samples

Friendly Neighbors Roofing Inc. Installation Costs

Material 2000 sq. ft. roof cost

Other Company Info

Construction License not verified
Verified Insurance

Friendly Neighbors Roofing Inc.

(1,685.2 mi away)

Location: Leming, TX

Phone: (210) 995-8425

Company has no website.

Average Local Price: Not enough data.

Insurance verified Insurance verified

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